Do RNA vaccines integrate into DNA?
According to Betteridge's Law of Headlines, any headline that ends with a question mark can be answered by the word "no". What, you want more? OK then... A paper published in February 2022 caused a stir in the anti-vaccine community as it appeared to show a mechanism by which the RNA in certain vaccines might end up in the genomes of vaccinees, potentially even being passed to offspring. The fuss died down somewhat, but has been reamplified by molecular-biology- naïf (but, I'm sure, great cardiologist) Dr Peter McCullough. Unfortunately, as ever, the scare is easily articulated, the refutation requires lengthy consideration of detailed mechanism. "Vaccines can turn our cells into eternally spike-producing factories!!! And our babies!!!!". Tl;dr: No they can't. Here's a basic schematic of the molecular biology of the situation: 1) In the cell nucleus, the organism's DNA contains regions that can be transcribed into the closely related molecu...